Lead Me Home [feat Madeline Ramirez]
By botanicus on October 18, 2020 1:16 pm
This was an old production that needed a new mixdown. My first mixdown on this so incredibly washed out with reverb that there was almost nothing distinct. We all get in the habit of using reverb to make things sound good but that makes it impossible to achieve a clean mix. Since I have been mixing dry sessions, my mixes have been so much cleaner and there has been less need to use reverb. Reverb is used very subtly in most music, actually, except for effects and creating actual sounds in their own right. So my process is now to turn off all production reverbs and delays in the mixdown phase to mix the dry session. The dry session MUST sound good. I can hear more of the mix interactions and make a much better mix. Then I decide whether or not to use the old sends but I usually just make new ones.
Synthwave style track inspired by Madeline's ideas. We both have compositional elements in this song. I got close with the snare reverb (this was hard, as my original samples could probably have been a little better) and the vocal mix. There are still some opportunities to get the vocal level balanced throughout. How does it sound to you?
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